CS:GO Operation Riptide: New deathmatch modes, skins, private queues

22 Sep, 2021 Gaming 3.1K 0 Comment

Valve has added a new CS:GO operation, named Operation Riptide. Riptide comes equipped with a host of new additions to the game. Also, there are several balance changes that’ll surely fire up the existing Meta.

Operation Riptide comes to CS:GO

The latest attractions in Operation Riptide include the following:

  • Addition of private queue team
  • Free-for-all deathmatch
  • Shorter competitive matches
  • New cosmetics
  • Gameplay changes
  • New maps

Operation Riptide is the 11th operation in CS:GO history. Also, it’s the first since Operation Broken Fang ended on May 3, this year. CS:GO fans will have access to Riptide until February 20, 2022, as per the operation page on the CS:GO website.

Private Queues in Operation Riptide

One of the biggest features being added to the game with Riptide is private queues. Players can create their own private Premier matches, and make them private to only friends. They can also have friends and their friends or a Steam group.

Deathmatch modes in new CS:GO mode

Valve has also added different versions of their iconic competitive and deathmatch modes. Players can now play a short competitive mode. This will play up to sixteen rounds or until one team wins nine rounds.

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CS:GO Operation Riptide

In addition to the above, the CS:GO developer has officially added free-for-all and team deathmatch. These will no longer require players to browse community servers to access those specific modes.

Gameplay changes in Operation Riptide

The Riptide gets new gameplay changes added to CS:GO. Players can now drop grenades the same way they do weapons and bombs. They’ve also added more body damage to the M4A1-S, while reducing body damage for the Deagle.

Gamers will now witness reduced prices for Dualies. For hostage maps, Valve has introduced a riot shield for CTs to equip.

Operation Riptide: New Maps and more

Apart from the aforementioned features, Riptide comes with new maps, skins, agents, sprays and more. The five new community maps in this mode are as follows:

  • County
  • Ravine
  • Extraction
  • Insertion II
  • Basalt

New operation challenges will yield a plethora of rewards if players purchase the operation pass. Purchasing the pass gives them an operation coin to level up by completing challenges.

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Anwesh Koley

POSTS BY Anwesh Koley

Anwesh has been a journalist for more than a decade and has worked across myriad sectors ranging from automotive, power, energy, finance, and SMEs. He is currently responsible for churning out relevant and exciting content for Ultimate Battle News.

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