Dota 2 7.29c Patch Update is now live with Item Changes, Champion Nerfs

30 Apr, 2021 Gaming 1.6K 0 Comment
Dota 2 7.29c Patch Update

The recent patch update 7.29c in Dota 2 has nerfed various champions and carried out numerous gameplay modifications for better balance

Valve has introduced a key adjustment update for Dota 2, rescaling several Heroes and reducing the effects of several items. While most of the Heroes received minor tweaks to their movement speed and stats, others like Monkey King received multiple changes to key abilities.

Patch 7.29c in Dota 2

The 7.29c Gameplay Update continues to make changes to the newest Hero, Dawnbreaker. Valve has been striving to balance her prior to her eventual inclusion in competitive drafts.

The latest changes include Valve increasing her Celestial Hammer up from a flat 110 manacost to a 110/120/130/140 scale. Dawnbreaker’s predecessor, Hoodwink, received a few buffs. Bushwhack now affects a wider radius. It gets an increased projectile speed and rescaled stun duration.

Champion Beastmaster nerfed in patch 7.29c

Beastmaster received the most updates, with his Wild Axes no longer getting bonus damage from Scepter. His Inner Beast will now increase his attack speed by an additional five points each time it scales.

The developer has also reworked on some of his Talents. Dota 2 players seem to have highly appreciated this move. It was a long overdue to make him more competitive.

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Next, Valve decided to nerf Snapfire, with her Lil’ Shredder rescaling from 50/60/70/80 to 50/65/80/95 manacost. Valve has also reduced her buff duration from eight to six seconds.

Other changes in patch update

Valve has ensured that Water Rune restore is dropped from 100/80 HP/Mana to an equal 80/80. Most of the items undergoing modifications saw minimal nerfs in Dota 2 7.29c patch update.

These include the Solar Crest going from a 65 attack speed bonus to 55 and Sange and Yasha dropping to 25% regen amplification compared to the previous 30%.

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