Valorant Patch Notes 2.07 are now live: All you need to know

14 Apr, 2021 Gaming 937 0 Comment
patch 2.07 Valorant

Valorant’s patch 2.07 update has arrived and Riot has made significant enhancements to the game’s champions, along with several bug fixes

Riot Games has officially launched the Valorant patch 2.07 updates. A lighter version compared to the previous two, this patch brings in agent changes along with several bug fixes. Let’s have a look at what all headed your way in this patch.

Agent updates in Valorant patch 2.07


Astra gets a quick boost this patch. It is focused on removing a counter-intuitive rule where her Gravity Well doesn’t affect those defusing the Spike.

Valorant devs want to try and keep their ability interactions as consistent and easy to learn as possible. This will allow players to explore ways to leverage Agent abilities without running into unexpected walls.

Riot believes this update can create some interesting interactions post-plant where enemies try to bait out the Gravity Well and play around with its cooldown. The devs will monitor her new post-plant impact overall.

Gravity Well

  • Now pulls Agents that are defusing the Spike
  • If they are pulled out of defuse range, it will interrupt the defuse

Patch Notes 2.07: Raze

Raze mains have learned to fly so far and so fast with their Blast Packs that it’s not uncommon to hear an explosion in the distance and then suddenly have an enemy Raze fly around the corner.

Similar to Jett’s Tailwind, Riot has added a sound attached to Raze as she flies through the air that should help gamers better track her movement. They will also get some heads up that danger might be on the way.

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Along with that, the Valorant devs have taken a pass on some of her ability VFX. This is to reduce how much they obscure combat when exploding on the battlefield.

  • Devs have added audio cues to indicate when Raze boosts in the air from Blast Pack.
  • Explosion and Showstopper launching VFX updated so they are less obscuring and clear out of the play space faster.


After digging into reports about Marshal shots not killing enemies that had taken 50 decay, Riot has discovered a bug tied to the way the game determines if taking damage should be lethal on decayed targets with armor at specific health breakpoints.

The devs think the bugged interaction with the Marshal was by far the most common. However, they will watch how this bug fix affects the recently buffed Viper’s overall power.

  • Fixed a bug when calculating if damage taken while decayed should be lethal for players with armour.
  • This caused Marshal shots when the target was decayed 50 to reduce the enemy to 1 HP instead of killing them

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Anwesh has been a journalist for more than a decade and has worked across myriad sectors ranging from automotive, power, energy, finance, and SMEs. He is currently responsible for churning out relevant and exciting content for Ultimate Battle News.

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