Valorant patch notes 3.06: Agent Changes, Map Updates, Bug Fixes arrive

22 Sep, 2021 Gaming 1.3K 0 Comment
Valorant patch 3.06

Riot has introduced the latest patch 3.06 update in Valorant. It brings in changes to three key initiators: Skye, KAY/O and Jett. Also, four maps receive updates, along with several bug fixes in the game.

Agent changes in Valorant patch 3.06

Skye’s benefited from some quick movement shortly after her flashes and frequent Seekers. Patch 3.06 has slowed her down a tad and bumped the cost of her ult. Agent KAY/O, can now better hide his FLASH/drive pitches.

Considering Jett, the current changes are about getting the most out of Blade Storm’s primary fire. It also aims to create matching damage rules for the alternate fire. Gamers get one less smoke to work with in his case.

Changes to Skye in Valorant patch 3.06

Skye has been able to play off her own flash more frequently. But lately, there’s a sense that it’s become too effective and optimal to play off of her in some situations. The current patch increases Skye’s unequip time.

This should make it slightly more difficult for Skye to capitalize on Guiding Light bird flashes as quickly as before. Making coordinated play or different styles of flashes is now more competitive.

The increased activation time aims to give prepared enemies a larger window to react without trivializing her main Initiator tool. Skye’s ult frequency and effectiveness has increased as players have become more skilled with the Agent.

Guiding Light (E)

  • Unequip time after casting or bending Guiding Light’s projectile increased from 0.5 to 0.75
  • Windup time after activation before the flash goes off increased from 0.25 to 0.3

Changes to KAY/O in Valorant patch 3.06

At launch, the Valorant developers had two questions regarding KAY/O:

  • How strong is Suppression for initiation?
  • Can regular flashbangs exist against other flashes in Valorant?

With the current patch update, Riot has over-indexed on telegraphing KAY/O’s projectile. This was holding back its success. This was despite the ability to lab out flashes was where the power could come in.

These changes should help reward those gamers who put in additional effort to throw clever pop flashes. As far as the ultimate goes, Riot wanted to increase the baseline value of the ultimate by ensuring a longer suppression window for those explosive sites.

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  • Duration of windup telegraph reduced from 0.5s to 0.3s
  • Duration of windup telegraph reduced on Right Click from 1s to 0.3s
  • The audio attached to the in-flight projectile has been removed


  • Does not stop pulsing after being downed.

Changes to Jett in patch 3.06

  • Cloudburst charges reduced from 3 to 2. This should make the choice on whether to smoke a choke point, smoke a path for a dash, or make a one-way, a more tactical one.
  • Bladestorm Right-click/Alternate Fire kills will no longer recharge Jett’s kunai. Jett mains should now optimize for the single kunai kills. This will help the Bladestorm going and really play into the high precision fantasy Jett is all about.
  • Bladestorm Right-click/Alt. Fire damage changes are reverted, damage and multipliers will mirror the left-click. This change should unify how both modes of fire work and provide a little more predictability.

Map updates in Valorant patch 3.06 update


  • Tunnel to Generator/Canteen areas can no longer be bullet penned
    One crate on B site is no longer pennable
  • This should create a safer planting option for attackers, while retaining a riskier, but more powerful option.


  • The crate stack on B site is no longer pennable, to create a safer planting option for attackers.


  • One stack of crates on C site is no longer pennable to create a safer planting option for attackers.


  • One crate on A site is no longer pennable to create a safer position on site for defenders.


  • One stack of crates on A site is no longer pennable to create a safer planting option for attackers.

Game System updates in patch 3.06

For users of the Public Beta Environment (PBE), the update has split their settings for Live and PB. Players should no longer wipe the new setting when going between the two environments.

Esports Features

Coaches now default into all-chat rather than team chat where they’re muted for competitive integrity reasons. This should fix some issues where calling timeouts did not work via text methods.

Bug Fixes in Valorant patch 3.06

  • Icebox minimap and vision cones will now correctly display near B Yellow callout.
  • Deathmatch penalties will no longer prevent gamers from getting banned for AFK-ing.

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Anwesh has been a journalist for more than a decade and has worked across myriad sectors ranging from automotive, power, energy, finance, and SMEs. He is currently responsible for churning out relevant and exciting content for Ultimate Battle News.

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