Valve bans over 10,000 CS:GO accounts for Boosting and Botting

7 Jun, 2021 Gaming 1.2K 0 Comment
CS:GO account ban

Valve’s latest ban wave has affected over 10,000 CS:GO accounts belonging to boosters and botters, along with locking Prime status

Valve’s latest ban wave has affected over 10,000 CS:GO accounts belonging to boosters and botters. The studio already took strict measures earlier this month by issuing an update that locked Prime Status behind a paywall.

CS:GO account ban wave

As per recent leaks, the CS:GO ban rate was 52 times higher than average in the past. There had been an influx of bots and boosters in the recent past.

This was essentially because of Prime Status account reselling which is highly profitable for boosters and botters. The recent changes paired with the bans should discourage the use of illegitimate accounts.

Most of the recent bans targeted bots and boosters who resell accounts that achieve Prime Status. The bans will affect such resellers and Valve has already put a paywall for Prime Status on June 3.

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This paywall should make it less likely for legitimate players to run into botters and boosters. The studio is not done yet and it is seeking assistance from the community to target even more boosters and botters.

Going tough on boosters and botters

Valve will hand out severe punishment to players who got to Prime Rank 21 via boosting through in-game bans. With CS:GO going free-to-play in 2018, the influx of cheaters has raised concerns for fans.

On its part, Valve is making changes to improve the state of the game. Pro players and content creators have raised concerns about the cheater problem numerous times and Valve continues to fight illegitimate players.

How to deal with boosters and botters in CS:GO

  • Create a new email with the subject ‘Bot Accounts’
  • Report the names of the players who are involved in boosting and detail your experience.
  • Send the report to:

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Anwesh Koley

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Anwesh has been a journalist for more than a decade and has worked across myriad sectors ranging from automotive, power, energy, finance, and SMEs. He is currently responsible for churning out relevant and exciting content for Ultimate Battle News.

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