Wild Rift Patch 2.1A Latest Notes and Updates - Riot Games

3 Mar, 2021 Gaming 954 0 Comment
wild rift 2.1a patch latest update ultimate battle news

Riot Games has come out with their Wild Rift Patch 2.1A content that indicates changes to items, champions, events and has also announced the arrival of a new champion

The upcoming content of The Wild Rift Patch 2.1A will witness innumerable champions along with item buff or nerfs in March 2021. The champions of Wild Rift’s cast are growing in the latest patch game from 40 to 41.

The content will be released in March 2021, though the dates for the patch have not yet been announced. Find complete updates on the Wild Rift Patch 2.1A below:

The Arrival of the New Champion, Katarina, the Sinister Blade

Katarina, the Sinister Blade is a Noxian assassin who is lethal in combat and decisive in judgment. She will be entering Summoner’s Rift with seven collectible skins. Her arrival in the game will allow players to compete in the mission of unlocking the champion.

She is well capable of teleporting to her enemies and also reduces her skill cooldowns while executing enemy champions. The date of her arrival is not announced yet though fans are expecting her arrival within March 2021. Currently, the fans of the mobile game are looking forward to balance changes.

New Katarina Event

Players can unlock Katarina for free to complete event missions. More information regarding this from Riot Games is awaited.

Champion Nerfs

    1. Lulu

Since the release of the game, Lulu has always been one of the most robust supports in the game and these changes are expected to prevent from having a one-sided match. 

            Base Stats

      • Base health: 570 → 530
      • Movement speed: 330 → 325
    1. Whimsy
      • Polymorph duration: 1.25/1.5/1.75/2s → 1/1.25/1.5/1.75s
    2. Help, Pix!
      • Shield duration: Five seconds to 2.5 seconds
      • Cast range: Seven to six
      • (Ultimate) Wild Growth
      • Cast range: Eight to seven

Miss Fortune

Presence of Miss Fortune in the match can be overwhelming because she had the most burst damage in the game compared to other marksmen. The overwhelming damages caused by her and other visual bug fixes are expected to be reduced by the developers.  

Base Stats

      • Base armor: 35 to 30
      • Base health regen: Nine to six
      • Base health regen per level: 0.81 to 0.55
      • 21 at level 15 → 14 at level 15

(Passive) Love Tap

      • Love Tap Damage vs minions: 100% → 50%
      • [BUGFIX] Love Tap Damage vs monsters: 50% (Unchanged – now in the tooltip)


Due to his ultimate skill, Olaf has been non-stop rampaging in Wild Rift. He should be prevented from hard snowballing from nerfs to make room for enemies for a counterattack.  

Base Stats

      • Base armor: 40 → 35
      • Base AD: 70 → 64

(1st Skill) Undertow

      • Slow: 30/35/40/45% → 20/25/30/35%
      • Slow duration: 2.5s → 2s

Champion Buffs


One of the weakest champions, Ashe has decent CC but her DPS is not something to be afraid of. The cooldown of her first skill will be reduced by the developers to enhance her overall DPS.

(1st Skill) Ranger’s Focus


      • Cooldown: 8/7/6/5s → 7/6/5/4s


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The weakest marksmen in the game, Varus is worse than Ashe. Slight changes in his initial skill will improve his lane pressure and make him feasible in the Wild Rift. 

 (1st Skill) Piercing Arrow

      • Cooldown: 18/16/14/12s → 16/14/12/10s


Ezreal has lost his charm after the nerf from patch 1.1 and his damage in absolutely dull against tanks. He even struggles in the lane against other marksmen. His base damage was reverted before patch 1.1 that help him to get back on track.

 (1st Skill) Mystic Shot

      • Base damage: 20/50/80/110 → 20/55/90/125


Darius is expected to do a Pentakill by the players, whereas now he hardly makes any impact in the match especially during the late game. CC should allow Darius to keep the pentakills rolling.

(1st Skill)Decimate

      • Missing health heal %: 12 to 36% → 15 to 45%

(3rd Skill)Apprehend

      • Slow duration: 1s → 1.5s


Right from the initial launch of the game, Rakan performance was better than Xayah and even her mechanics is vital in team fights but her damage is dull. Thus, her overwhelming damage was buffed to allow her compete with other marksmen. 

(1st Skill) Double Dagger

      • Base damage: 35/65/95/125 → 50/75/100/125

(2nd Skill) Deadly Plumage

      • Bonus attack speed: 25/30/35/40% → 35/40/45/50%

(3rd Skill) Bladecaller

      • Cooldown: 12/11/10/9s → 11/10/9/8s
      • AD ratio: 0.6 → 0.8

(Ult) Featherstorm

      • Base damage: 100/200/300 → 125/250/375
      • Cooldown: 12/11/10/9s → 11/10/9/8s
      • AD ratio: 0.6 → 0.8

(Ult) Featherstorm

      • Base damage: 100/200/300 → 125/250/375


During the later stage of the game, Vayne is competent against tanks but it was judged by the devs that she may get affected by the nerf item, Blade of the Ruined King, as this is her core item in the game. Even she was slightly buff be the devs so her dependence on the item is reduced. 

      • (3rd Skill) Condemn
      • Damage on terrain stun: 75/120/165/210 → 105/145/185/225

(Ult) Final Hour

      • Cooldown: 100/80/60s → 90/75/60s

Changes in Items 

Blade of the Ruined King

Base Stats

      • Attack damage: 30 → 20
      • Attack speed: 30% → 35%

On-hit Damage

      • Melee: 6% → 9% of current enemy health physical damage
      • Ranged: 6% of current enemy health physical damage (unchanged)
      • Drain movement speed duration: 3s → 2s

Liandry’s Torment

      • Ability power: 90 → 70
      • Total cost: 3150g (unchanged)
      • Combine cost: 800g → 950g

Haunting Guise

      • Ability power: 35 → 25
      • Total cost: 1450g → 1300g
      • Upgrade cost: 950g → 800g

Weekly Champion Rotation 

Mar 4 – Mar 10: Aurelion Sol, Fiora, Gragas, Kai’Sa, Lee Sin, Lulu, Sona, Teemo, Tristana, Twisted Fate

Mar 11 – Mar 17: Alistar, Amumu, Braum, Camille, Evelynn, Jhin, Seraphine, Singed, Vayne, Yasuo


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POSTS BY Tarun Gupta

Tarun is the Founder of Ultimate Battle. He has been an avid tech guy with over 20 years of experience in the IT industry. He launched Ultimate Battle to cater to the competitive gaming needs of Indian gaming enthusiasts. He keeps a close watch on the business of online gaming and upcoming trends in the Esports industry. As an esports fanatic, he loves to play FIFA and Chess in his free time.

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