Wild Rift patch 2.4c: New Skins, Gameplay and Champion changes arrive

15 Sep, 2021 Gaming 1.8K 0 Comment
Wild Rift patch 2.4c

Riot Games has launched the latest patch 2.4c in Wild Rift. This update intends to carry out balance changes to champions, aimed at curbing snowballing power accordingly.

Also, Nunu & Willump are now live and gamers are aware that ARAM is now a permanent feature. The Wild Rift developer will release the content throughout the patch. Read the full patch notes here.

New skins in Wild Rift patch 2.4c

Wild Rift fans will be able to fancy two new skins during this demon hunting season of High Noon. Both the skins will go live on September 23. The upcoming skins are:

  • High Noon Lucian
  • High Noon Senna

Changes to Champions in patch 2.4c

Overall, five existing champions receive balance changes in Wild Rift’s patch 2.4c. The changes are as follows:


Various players had pointed out that Lucian had become quite weak after his previous nerf. Also, his core items had taken a substantial hit. To address this, Riot is giving him back a little power in his health and dash. This will certainly put him in a more stable state.

  • Health: 570 HP → 610 HP
  • Cooldown: 23/20/17/14s → 22/19/16/13s

Rammus nerfed in Wild Rift patch 2.4c

Rammus is over-performing after its last set of changes. These were aimed at improving his early jungle clear without making him over-bearing.

On similar lines, Riot has given him a tune down on his PvP damage scaling. Patch 2.4c has also boosted his bonus damage to monsters to keep his clear relatively equal in power.

  • Damage: 105/150/195/240 → 110/140/170/200
  • Passive damage Armor ratio: 10% → 8%
  • Active damage Armor ratio: 15% → 12%
  • damage bonus: 150% → 175%
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An updated Sona

Sona has been hitting all the high notes in recent times. However, the Wild Rift devs do not want to impact her supportive capabilities. Instead, Riot has trimmed down her damage dealing to fit her utility identity a bit more.

Also, patch 2.4c has increased her ultimate’s cooldown slightly. This will give opponents some more breathing room when dealing with her game-changing ultimate.

  • Active damage: 40/80/120/160 → 40/75/110/145
  • Active AP ratio: 50% → 40%
  • Ally aura bonus damage AP ratio: 30% → 20%
  • Cooldown: 90/75/50s → 100/80/60s

New Accessories in Wild Rift patch 2.4c

The new accessories available to gamers are as follows:

  • Baubles: Town’s Not Big Enough
  • Emotes: C’mere, You!; Thank Ya Kindly

Wild Rift patch 2.4c

Gamers can earn or purchase accessories from a bunch of different sources. These must check the relevant page in game for more information. All accessories will be released throughout the patch.

Gameplay changes in patch 2.4c

Zeke’s Convergence

Enchanters as a whole have eclipsed most tank supports in performance as well as Zeke’s being a common buy. They’re showing a relatively poor win rate for the tank support class.

Wild Rift patch 2.4c has carried out moderate buffs to Zeke. The idea is to get the Meta into a healthier space for the support class as a whole.

  • Total cost: 2800G → 2700G
  • Combine cost: 900G → 800G
  • Frostfire Covenant slow: 40% → 50%
  • Frostfire Covenant magic damage per second: 40 → 60

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Anwesh Koley

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Anwesh has been a journalist for more than a decade and has worked across myriad sectors ranging from automotive, power, energy, finance, and SMEs. He is currently responsible for churning out relevant and exciting content for Ultimate Battle News.

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