Not only the Free Fire has earned fame being a...
The latest champion to come over from Legends of Runeterra to League of Legends is Vex, the Yordle. Yordles are spirit creatures who are deeply fascinated by Runeterra.
An emo mage, Vex will arrive with an artillery mage kit. She is an expert at casting high-impact spells, as is the case with most mage Champions in LoL.
Riot Games will release Vex in patch 11.19, after a brief test period in League of Legends’ Public Beta Environment. Below are the abilities she will bring along for gamers:
vex from league of legends is pansexual!
— your fav is pansexual 🇦🇷 (@yourfaveispan) September 2, 2021
Vex launches a wave forward, dealing magic damage to enemies it passes through. After a short delay, the wave accelerates but has reduced width. Mistral Bolt detonates Gloom on any marked enemies it hits.
Vex gains a shield and emits a shockwave, dealing magic damage to enemies around her. Personal Space detonates Gloom on any marked enemies it hits.
Shadow flies to a location, increasing in size as it travels. On arriving, Shadow deals magic damage, slows, and marks enemies hit with Gloom.
Shadow flies forward, marking and dealing magic damage to the first enemy champion hit. Vex can then recast this ability to have Shadow pull her to the marked target, dealing additional magic damage.
If the marked target dies within a short time of taking damage from Shadow Surge, Vex can cast Shadow Surge again within a few seconds.
Riot Games was founded in 2006 to revolutionize the way video games are developed, published...
Launched in 2009, League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed...