CSGO update gets RMR stickers, regulations, economical changes

29 Jan, 2021 Reviews 946 0 Comment
CSGO latest updates 2021

CS:GO update adds 2020 RMR team stickers, shorthand income, technical timeouts among many other introductions

The latest CS:GO update introduces players to Regional Major Ranking (RMR) Stickers for 2020 circuit. These stickers will be provided to teams who have made it to the ESL One Rio Major qualifiers on the basis of their accumulated points across qualifying tournaments.

Additionally, Valve will reset the leaderboard RMR standings for CS:GO 2021 and the teams which held Legend credentials in the previous versions of the Major will proceed to the New Year rankings circuit with 600 points.

Economic changes in CS:GO update

Spearheading the economic alterations in the latest version would be the Wingman & Competitive ranked games, which will now come with a $1000 award for all team members with one player deficit, for three successive rounds.

If a player disconnects from either team, a timeout will be immediately applied. As soon as the player rejoins, the game shall resume despite the timeout phase still remaining. The Elyson map has also undergone changes and gamers can discover these in the patch notes for the latest version.

CS:GO update release notes

RMR Stickers

Team Stickers featuring the best-performing regional teams from the 2020 Regional Major Ranking events are now available for purchase. 50% of the proceeds go to the teams who participated in the 2020 RMR.

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In Competitive and Wingman, if a team has fewer players than the opposing team for three or more consecutive rounds in the half, each of the team members will receive a $1000 ‘Shorthanded Loser Income’ following a round loss. This does not apply in cases where players are kicked.

In Competitive and Wingman, each team has a single two minute technical timeout that will be automatically initiated the first time a teammate disconnects.

The timeout will end early if the teammate abandons or reconnects to the match. Pinging now displays the name of the pinged location

Danger Zone

Client convar added to control automatic parachute response.
Players can set cl_parachute_autodeploy 0 to disable automatic parachute activation.



  • Outside
  • Fixed a boost spot near the entrance to a site.
  • Fixed a pixel walk on the door hinges of both doors.
  • Improved the clipping of the roof.
  • Grenades now bounce more predictably off the wall.

Main Hall

Grenades now bounce more predictably off the artwork and painting.


  • Fixed a boost spot where players were able to jump on top of the waterfalls.
  • Fixed a pixel walk on the lower levels of the middle.
  • Fixed a pixel walk on the light fixtures
  • Grenades now bounce more predictably off the grey poles inserted in the wall, the wall with the waterfalls and the wall near T spawn.

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Anwesh Koley

POSTS BY Anwesh Koley

Anwesh has been a journalist for more than a decade and has worked across myriad sectors ranging from automotive, power, energy, finance, and SMEs. He is currently responsible for churning out relevant and exciting content for Ultimate Battle News.

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