Apex Legends Officially Launched on Nintendo Switch

10 Mar, 2021 Gaming 1.0K 0 Comment
Apex Legends Nintendo

Apex Legends has officially launched on the Nintendo Switch through a partnership between Respawn and Panic Button

This is the news gamers were waiting for long. Finally Nintendo Switch gets Apex Legends onboard. The switch version that has been made available for Nintendo is the product of a joint activity between Respawn and Panic Button.

Apex Legends will take care of high-profile ports such as Rocket League and installments of the DOOM franchise.

The launch date of Apex’s long-awaited was rescheduled multiple times last year due to pandemic. Respawn and Panic Button had no option to push back its official launch until 2021.

Apex Legends on Switch: Details

Reports suggest that the Switch port has a slight setback in resolution and framerate.  Gamers can run Apex at 720p and 30FPS when using TV mode.

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However when it’s played in handheld mode you can see a resolution drop down to 1024 x 576.

A framerate inconsistency can put players into a serious disadvantage when pitted against competitors in other platforms who have access to 60 FPS or above.

The above can be possible when using crossplay. Switch users will have complete access to crossplay right from the start. They will be able to match-make with players from other platforms if they enable a function to do so.

Gamers will be given an opportunity to join the Apex Games halfway through the battle royale’s eighth season. However Respawn can offer a care package to them so that they can play before and grab the rewards.

Players will be rewarded with 30 Battle Pass levels and double XP for the first two weeks after launch.

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Sumant Singh

POSTS BY Sumant Singh

Sumant is an esports subject matter expert and a regular contributor to Ultimate Battle. He has 10+ years of experience in covering national eSports news, events, and webinars. In his free time he reads his favorite ebooks on kindle.

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