League of Legends has released Wild Rift patch notes 2.01b

17 Mar, 2021 Gaming 1.1K 0 Comment
Wild Rift patch notes 2.01b

The latest 2.01b patch note updates from League of Legends: Wild Rift are here and three new champions have been added among many other attractions

The latest updates on the League of Legends: Wild Rift’s patch 2.1b was released into the online game world. They have introduced three new champions to the game and numerous balance changes.

The brand new champions introduced include Diana, Leona and Pantheon. Online players for the game can unlock one of these at no cost via the Path of Ascension event. This will start from March 16th. Wild Rift patch 2.1b makes Back-dooring harder.

Wild Rift patch 2.1b: Overview

Below are listed the complete notes for the patch and the final content of Patch 2.2 is going to be released on March 30 this year.

New Champions

  • Leona, the Radiant Dawn
  • Diana, Scorn of the Moon
  • Pantheon, the Unbreakable Speak

New Wild Rift patch 2.01b Skins

All skins will be released during the patch.

  • Barbecue Leona
  • Dark Valkyrie Diana
  • Full Metal Pantheon
  • Dragonslayer Pantheon
  • Infernal Diana
  • PROJECT: Ashe, Leona, Vi, Yasuo, Zed


Path of Ascension

The event gives players the choice between the Sun, Moon or War. Every path let players various missions to complete that will help them to unlock Leona, Diana, or Pantheon. The event will take place from Mar 16 to Mar 29.

Champions in Wild Rift patch 2.01b

Aurelion Sol

(P) Center of the Universe

Star base damage: 18/26/34/42/50/58/66/74/82/90/98/106/114/122 to 15/21/27/33/40/47/54/61/70/79/88/97/108/119/130

(2) Celestial Expansion

Base damage: 25/35/45/55/65/75/85/95/105/115/125/135/145/165 to 25/32/39/46/54/62/70/78/89/100/111/122/138/154/170

(Ult) Voice of Light

Cooldown: 65/55/45s to 80/65/50s


Soraka is a bit weaker when compared to her counterparts. Giving her more star power will help her shine as a silencer and healer.

(2) Astral Infusion

Base heal: 80/110/140/170 HP to 80/120/160/200 HP

(3) Equinox

Cooldown: 22/20/18/16s to 20/18/16/14s


Giving Tristana a small buff to her mana and (2) Rocket Jump slow to make sure she is rewarded more consistently for jumping in.

Base Stats

  • Base mana per level: 33 to 41
  • Mana @ level 15: 762 to 874

(2) Rocket Jump

Slow duration: 1/1.5/2/2.5s to 1.5/2/2.5/3s


Riot said that Yasuo got more benefits from the Blade of the Ruined King changes last patch. Simultaneously, his defensive stats are high enough to give his passive shield and mobility.

Players need to take a good chunk out of his base Armor and health. This will help his opponents capitalize on their more mistakes. His dash speed is also being adjusted to superior match his pace from League PC.

Stats for Base

  • Base armor: 40 to 35
  • Base health: 650 to 570

(3) Sweeping Blade

Dash Speed: 1200 + Movement Speed to 900 + Movement Speed


It’s very hard to hit Ziggs’ Mega Inferno Bomb sometimes, that too when it’s flying across the map. Therefore, we’re giving it a slight area-of-effect buff.

In contrast, he takes down turrets too quickly. Therefore, Riot is pulling back a bit on his Satchel Charge execution.

(2) Satchel Charge

Tower destroy threshold: 25/30/35/40 percent tower HP to 20/25/30/35 percent tower HP

(Ult) Mega Inferno Bomb

  • Outer AoE size radius: 4 to 5
  • Inner AoE size radius: 2 to 2.5
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Locket is too strong as a first item and completely nullifies the lethality of early game team fighting. Riot is taking a large swing at its early power and price to curb it from being purchased too quickly.

Locket Enchant

  • Price: 500g to 800g
  • Shield Amount: 140 to 420 (120 + Level × 20) to 70 to 420 (45 + Level × 25)



Riot has said that the Conqueror is over performing on ranged AP champions when compared to other choices. It’s also slightly strong in general for other ranged champions so it’s its maximum output on ranged champions is being nerfed by a small amount too.

  • AP per stack: Four to 12 (based on champ level) to Three to Nine (based on champ level)
  • Maximum stack Adaptive Damage bonus: 10% on ranged champions to seven percent on ranged champions


Backdoor Bonus

Riot feels that late game back-dooring is becoming too easy. Hence, the mechanic where the turret defense backdoor bonus lessens in the late game is being removed.

“Backdoor bonus” tower damage reduction: 66 percent, then 33 percent at 18 minutes to 66 percent through the whole game.

Lane Swaps

Riot has said that it is seeing an overwhelming amount of lane swaps to force two-vs-one lanes in competitive play. To counter this, turrets are being given more defensive power if a full team tries to take them down.

Before patch 2.1b

During the first three minutes, all outer turrets gain 50 bonus Armor/Magic Resist. During this time, turrets gain additional defensive bonuses when multiple enemies are nearby:

  • Three champions in total: 40 Armor/Magic Resist
  • Four champions in total: 80 Armor/Magic Resist
  • Five champions in total: 120 Armor/Magic Resist

Patch 2.1b changes

During the first three minutes:

  • Solo (Baron) lane outer turret gains 90 bonus Armor/Magic Resist
  • Mid lane outer turret gains 90 bonus Armor/Magic Resist
  • Duo (Dragon) lane outer turret gains 40 bonus Armor/Magic Resist

During the first three minutes, turrets gain additional defensive bonuses when multiple enemies are nearby:

  • Two champions in total: 10 Armor/Magic Resist
  • Three champions in total: 100 Armor/Magic Resist
  • Four champions in total: 200 Armor/Magic Resist
  • Five champions in total: 300 Armor/Magic Resist

Chat Detection

Riot is rolling out better chat evaluation that is ramping up to catch a majority of detected languages. This means you might run into more players who’ve received voice or text restrictions. Riot has said that it will continue to advance its detection over the upcoming months.

Riot has also asked players to keep reporting people who are behaving in a “disruptive way.” Each report is sent into Wild Rift’s behavior systems to review and having the reports helps Riot continue to improve its machine learning models and get better and better at dealing with disruptive behavior.

Free-to-play Champion Rotation

  • Mar 18 – Mar 24: Corki, Darius, Graves, Katarina, Malphite, Nami, Shyvana, Soraka, Varus and Ziggs
  • Mar 25 – Mar 31: Akali, Draven, Jarvan IV, Jax, Rakan, Sona, Wukong, Xayah, Xin Zhao and Zed

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Priyanka Seth

POSTS BY Priyanka Seth

Priyanka has been writing articles and blogs for many years in various domains such as travel, gifts, online games, and many others. Being a gamer herself, Priyanka loves to keep up with the latest gaming trend in India among young audiences.

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